By Dave Merchant [email protected]
The Melvindale football team has been struggling this season. Despite the struggle they have some talented players on the team. Senior Ali Hassan Siddiqui is one of those such talented individuals. “I like to play football, cricket and basketball,” Ali said. “In football I play wide receiver, slot, inside linebacker, outside linebacker and corner.” He has had some memorable moments in football. “I remember last year, week 4, we played Carlson High School and I had the best hit in the game,” he said. “That is when I got the hit stick. It was the greatest moment of my life.” His favorite class is Math. His favorite teacher is Mr. Knezek he said he inspired him to be the greatest and never give up, “I like each coach equally because they all help me out in certain ways,” he said. “When I have free time, I play video games. It is a lot of fun and it helps me release stress.” The person he looks up to the most is in his family. “My mom, Farida Siddiqui, is my idol and I look up to her a lot,” he said. “I respect her a lot because she is the reason that I am able to do things that I have never done before. She is my motivation and everything.” In the future he plans to keep pushing himself to do things he never has. He also plans to be successful.
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